Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

I spent much time in February to debate.
Yes, as you know that's I'm a debater in my school. Unprofessional debater sih hihi.
Feel so tired, so dizzy, like gonna be die because of the practicing.
I and my team join the debate competition in UGM and SMA9 at the really really tightly time.
Imagine we are just practice in the 1 day for the competition in the UGM. Like I wanna die in this time-_-
And lucky me I have a solid team, nice team, awesome team!
For Priska and Danika my super 1st speaker and my awesome 2nd speaker
hmm too much words can't describe for our big goal, our great achievement... just wanna be say that you are awsome girls, I dont know what should I do without you all. Best team ever!
Keep the head up, and always keep our spirit guys!
Our big goal is coming closser. Show to the school that we are capable enough to make proud yea?
Love you all as always;)

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