Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


Today I have a debate competition (AGAIN) in the SMAN.5YK. Its different like usually thats sewon just sent one team, is it my team, the junior team and yea my awesome team ever! My best partners ever in the desk of a debaters! Priska and Danika! both of them is the best partner ever! love them so much lah. 

its too hard for us because again and AGAIN we just reach the top ten. Feel so upset because theres some problems with the judge of the adjudicator from the EDS UGM. So damn we hate at her! Her is the adjudicator from the EDS  UGM, we dont understand why in the 1st prelim we dont win the competition versus Ibnu Qoyyim shs. The adju didnt give us the real and the true verbal, because during the prelim 1 the Ibnu Qoyyim shs just said the arguments like a shit. But we wont be arrogant and feel like we always true. No! we just feel so strange and so upset when the adjudicators explain the verbal. We dont know whats the false at that time is it because the ear of the adju is not work or broke maybe we dont know, we just feel isnt justifiable and because this silly reason we failed to be the big 8! so damn really feel upset.

But, its not the really bad result. What can we do now is keep the chin up and the head up, always have a practice and always try to be the best. We cant stuck on this result today we must keep the spirit for the next adventure!

Oh yea, thanks for the support,pray and everything guys! lav y'all<3

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