Senin, 22 April 2013


15-20% population in this world are people with sensitive rate above 50%. They're glass and a fire. Easy to be broken, and took a second to be a monster. And I.. I'm one of those.
People says that I'm an easily distracted person, emotional, and a highly sensitive person.
I'm not telling you that I'm a total badass or I'm 175.5 degree different than that, but every person with every disabilities, have their own explanation and their own way to express.
there is a type of sensitive and easily angry person, that express his feeling by hurting the person that treat him wrong on purpose. This type is the most hated person, because, people sees him as the antagonist one because on his treatment to the person that did him wrong is 101% worst that what happened to him. Or there's a person that let every anger in himself to be covered up. he won't let anyone to know his problem and he decide to be in silence and he take his revenge later, but with way bigger effect to the person that did them wrong. Or this. the person that let his anger out from his mouth with expressing everything that creeps into his chest and let the person that did him wrong, felt guilty. He only blame the person that did him wrong, not anyone else that might have a relation to the "it" person, and he didn't mad on purpose to take a revenge, he just wanna show the anger, and let everybody know her feeling.

Sometimes, I can be the last type of sensitive person when my anger is on the top of my guts. It's better to express your anger, than to let you die in a hidden anger explosion. But just to the "it" person, not to the "it" person's closest bonds.

And, it's better to express your anger, than being such a hypocrite.

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