Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Hari ini emang gak mau kemana-mana, enggak mau pergi-pergi, pgn dirumah tapi I dont have idea to do what dirumah akhirnya aku internetan, yap always lah ya when getting bored internetan is my answer. Terus googling tips lolos USM STAN, liat foto gedung-gedung nya. To be honest, I'll do anything to study in there, I'll fight to be there. Aku pengen angan-angan ku yang someday I'll be the student of STAN I'll be study about accounting, tax, state finances and so on. Make my parents proud of me, make everyone know that I can be success in my way, in my passion. Its sound so beautiful when I arrange my future. Uuuuuu what must I do now just work hard and pray harder :')

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